

Following the pictorial traditions of generations of great painters, Pauline Bradshaw dedicated many years to the intensive study of old master drawings, paintings, plaster casts of antique sculpture, anatomy and the nude model. Bradshaw was granted rare access to HRH Queen Elizabeth’s private library at Windsor Castle to research and copy selected old master drawings.

“I’m inspired by 19th century drawings and paintings from the legendary French and British academies. There was a compelling dedication to technique and uncompromising craftsmanship in their work. My academic training has allowed me to continue in this tradition and I try to convey a passion for drawing in my paintings.”

She paints a meticulous representation of reality, revealing intimate relationships and tensions between familiar objects.

Bradshaw passes along her extensive knowledge of academic techniques in private studio classes and workshops including the National Gallery of Canada. Her paintings and drawings can be found in private collections in Canada, the United States, Britain and Italy.

Basket & Pear

Basket & Pear, 30″ x 40″ – Oil
This is the painting that has been chosen to show at the Louvre


1996-2000 Michael John Angel Studios Toronto, Canada Florence, Italy


Toronto Sun, Ontario artists to be featured at Louvre, May 03, 2012

Video Broadcast on CTV

International Artist Magazine, Still-Life Competition Finalist, Oct/Nov 2006

East Central Ontario Artist Association, Best Oil Painting, Winner, 2004